Thursday 6 April 2017

Combining Leather with Colours in Interior Décor

Luxury interiors have drawn individuals from every quarter to attempt to replicate them to the best of their resources. The one element which exudes warm and inviting luxury with its very inclusion in interiors is leather. However, the inclusion of leather furniture in the interiors does not need to make it an elegant affair with only deep colours; leather can be used to even create colourful and playful interiors that are chic and charming. All you need is the right inspiration, so here are some ideas on pairing leather with colour for the interior decor of your personal spaces:

1.      Tan leather products are the most common choices with buyers as they can easily fit into formal and casual settings for interiors. For a dash of classic colour and elegance, pair the brown of the leather with whites and blues for other furniture pieces. Add more colour with a vibrant rug or art work for the walls.

2.      The combination of black, white and red is elegant yet bold at the same time. A statement red leather couch from a boutique specializing in High End Furniture in Delhi can be used as a statement piece in a room dominated by hues of white and black. Keep things simple and for aesthetics, incorporate exotic green plants.

3.      If you have a tan leather couch you most definitely want to include in the interiors, pair it with the vibrancy of orange and calm notes of white. Use a throw or cushion covers featuring motifs in orange and white on the tan couch and transform your space into a funky one instantly.

4.      Black leather is a statement many high end interior designers resort to in order to give spaces that dramatic look. To up the polished look, pair it with patterned cushions in bright colours. Keep the walls bare for that urban chic look.

5.      A brown leather sectional in the living room makes a statement of its own. Add to the appeal with a vintage inspired look. Get a lace throw in a pastel shade for the sectional, place a plush rug on the floor and accessorize with curios.

Leather furniture or wooden, antique embellishments or minimal decor – whatever your preference, get the best advice on styling your personal spaces for luxury from La Sorogeeka, the internationally-acclaimed and award-winning luxury interior firm in India. 

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