Thursday 18 May 2017

Practical Ideas for Kitchen Interior Design

The kitchen is one of the most important areas in any house. What many of us do not realize is that it is not just enough to have work countertops and appliances in the kitchen for smooth functioning – planned interiors of the kitchen not only go a long way in organizing the space but also add to the value of the home. Nowadays, home owners not only want practical design ideas but also style for their kitchen interiors which is why our list of ideas for kitchen interior design will serve you well in planning and organizing the kitchen interior to your liking:

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Incorporating Art for Your Home

They say the home speaks volumes about its occupants. This is perhaps why people take great effort to decorate their homes in a manner which not only reflects the best of latest style trends but also reflects their personal tastes and preferences. The art that we choose from our home too is more than just an accessory to enhance the ambience of the home, and a reflection of our personality. If you need help choosing and installing art work for your home, here are a few points from the top interior decorators to get you started:
One of the biggest challenges in doing up a small apartment is finding the ideal furniture. We all want the basics, some extras too, but at the same time, we would love for it all to be accommodated in the limited space without creating clutter and having no space to walk in. Thankfully, furniture designers and manufacturers have made our work infinitely easier with smart solutions for furniture for small apartments. Here are some great ideas for selecting the right furniture for small homes:

Monday 15 May 2017

Moroccan Themed Interior Design Ideas

Planning the interior decor of your personal spaces can be quite a challenge, especially when you wish to step away from the mundane and create something spectacularly unique. With trends changing ever so often, one always wants to stay ahead of the styles while keeping the ambience chic and inviting. Moroccan themed interiors have come to be one of the most appealing ideas for interior decor and this interior design style with its mix of rich textures, bold colours and shapes and immaculate detailing has top interior designers raving. If you want to stand out with Moroccan-themes interiors for your home, here are some design elements to try:

Friday 12 May 2017

Ideas for Decorating a Girl's Bedroom with Blue

Coming up with inspirational ideas for decorating the bedroom of your pretty little princess is never easy. There are too many aspects to be kept in mind and not the least of these is the selection of the right colour. While traditional wisdom might have you leaning towards pink and associated ‘girlish’ shades, blue stands out as a colour that is fresh and soothing and at the same time works quite well for feminine settings when applied right in the interior decor scheme.

Ideas for Decorating a Girl's Bedroom with Blue

Coming up with inspirational ideas for decorating the bedroom of your pretty little princess is never easy. There are too many aspects to be kept in mind and not the least of these is the selection of the right colour. While traditional wisdom might have you leaning towards pink and associated ‘girlish’ shades, blue stands out as a colour that is fresh and soothing and at the same time works quite well for feminine settings when applied right in the interior decor scheme.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Designing A Cottage Style Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most important places in the house, seeing a significant amount of activity throughout the day. While many homeowners see the kitchen as a practical and functional space, more and more people are warming up to the idea of giving the kitchens a stylish makeover for a luxurious interior. There are many different styles one can draw on for luxurious kitchen interiors, and one style that combines both style and cosiness with equal flair is the cottage style. Here’s how you can design a cottage style kitchen: